We are still busy with renovations inside some of our units. It is a long and slow process as we are doing everything ourselves, from scratching down the old paint on the walls to building the showers with blocks. It makes us happy to do the renovations unit by unit and we feel very proud about it! We still want to keep the rustic feel, but need to upgrade a bit.
In progress:
- Braai Area
- The garden
Rooms 1 and 2 – Rooms made from Reeds (before)

Rooms 1 and 2 – Reeds replaced with Canvas (After)

Room 3 (Large Family Room) – Before

Room 3 (Large Family Room) – After

Room 9 (Family Room)- Out with the OLD

Room 9 (Family Room) – In with the NEW

Room 6 (Cabin) -before photos

Room 6 (Cabin) – After photos

Bathroom in the lapa: